Friday, February 7, 2014


The first thing you would notice about Lisiya apart from her horns, red skin, height and beauty, would be her supreme confidence.

Born to a wealthy and important family she was destined for great things, especially when as a child her beauty alone could win hearts. Oh yes, this one will be a senator or more one day. As she grew her beauty, charisma and sly intelligence only reinforced this thought. Even her friends knew it as did her many suitors (even if they were a bit intimated by her height). She has such inner strength, confidence in speaking and grace it really seemed a sure thing. All until a Darth appeared. He was used to getting what he wanted (as they all do) he was easily enarmoured with the alluring tall beauty.

Lisiya wasn't interested at all, in fact she found his advances crude and repugnant. He anger grew and Lisiya's friends quickly intervened on her behalf, some trying make some excuse to placate the angered Darth and the others trying to talk some sense into her.

"What are you doing! He'll kill you no matter how important your family is. Opposing him this way is not the way to do it!

"Not this way" she muttered under her breath "then perhaps..."

The Darth was throughly enjoying his evening. The tall Zabrak's alluring dance reminded him of the twi'liks of Nar Shaddar. The wine, soft lighting. Yes, he was throughly enjoying his evening, especially when Lisiya purred in his ear, "close your eyes my lord"

It's at this juncture that feeling a pinprick at the base of one's neck, really screws up the evening. The Darth wasn't enjoying the evening anymore. In fact, he was uncharacteristically worried. His eyes opened, but the rest of his body didn't respond to throw the Zabrak off him. No matter, this bitch will feel the power of the force. He lashed out with his mind, intent on making his victim suffer enormously. He will crush her mind and leave her a vegetable.

He could hear the screams from his victim and her weight lurch off his paralyzed body. The thump of her hitting the floor. The screams turned to sobs and his evening was starting to get a little better, smug with the pain he was infliciting on this foolish girl.

No, his night was going to get worse. A lot worse as the sobs turned into laughs.
"Oh, you'll have to do a lot better than that my lord"
"I bet you're wondering how, well, that's my little secret that only you, I and my old Jedi friend know about. But I think three people knowing my secret is one too many don't you? Let's fix that. You know, getting killed by your own lightsaber is just really ironic isn't it? Ironic or poetic? You decide"

He heard the distinctive hum and then the red glow as Lisiya brought it close to his face.
"This is a better death than you deserve, but you've wasted enough of my time"

And with that, the Darth's evening ended rather quickly.

Calmly, Lisiya made a holocall to her family's head of security. It's nice being able to get somebody who doesn't ask questions to clean up various messes. It wasn't his first time and knew it wouldn't be his last. And Lisiya was still able to get home in time for supper.

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