Republic SpecForce is recruiting all troopers! We are RP, in uniform and follow military ranks/orders, use teamspeak and are part of a 6 guild community. If interested and over 18yrs, apply at *salute*.
Sorry, I'm unable to invite to the guild. But just make a post/apply on our forums and an officer will get you an ingame invite asap. *salute*
Aspiring troopers. If a mission to take out a prominent Sith Lord on Korriban had a success rate of 5% and a survival rate even lower, your response is BRING IT ON, then Republic SpecForce would like to hear from you. ((RP Guild)).
Recruiting RP ceremony beginning in whisper for invite
Whisper for more details soldiers. */salute*
Welcome to the screening phase for the elite fighting unit of the Republic military. We have high fatality rate because we do the most dangerous of missions, without fear, without hesitation. We are soldiers, not monsters.
Therefore, there are some that are too young to die. All soldiers must be 18 years or older. If you are 18 years or older, take one step forward. (Article 1)
Sorry solider, thank you for trying, but without parental consent, Republic SpecForce must deny your application. ((would need your parents or guardian to be on Teamspeak to give the founder of the guilds permission for you to join us))
(Article 2) As we are the cutting edge of the Republic Military, we conduct ourselves a step above the rest. We are in uniform. Failure to be in uniform will result in disciplinary action and/or removal from SpecForce.
Our uniform is heavy armour in white/red, or red/white colours. We wear this uniform 24/7, because we are ready 24/7 to take down imperial scum. If you are willing to comply with this regulation, take one step forward.
((help will be given in obtaining your first uniform, don't worry))
(Article 3) We do things by the numbers and your nametags will display either the rank you hold in SpecForce or any other title you have obtained via your completed missions.
((i.e. only wear the title Sergeant, Lieutenant if you have that rank in the guild)).
To complete the recruiting process you need to place your mark here.
/e pushes a datapad in front of the new recruits
((apply on our website:
Now, any questions soldiers?
No? Very good, repeat after me, the oath of Republic SpecForce.
We stand strong
Doing our duty
Always vigilant
Always faithful
Never retreat
Never surrender
We will fight
We will die
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