To the Jedi Order.
Hello, I have been referred to you after completing my
initial Jedi training on Tython as a youngling. I remember little of my life before coming here, except I was brought to Tython by Master Ag'grillon from my home planet of Dantooine when I was 4 or 5 years old. Since then Tython, the Temple and the Jedi has been my home and family.
It however has come time for me to be assigned to Master Asrul X'akath to begin my Padawan training after having completed the trials set before me. To be honest, I found them surprisingly easy. *shrugs shoulders*
It however has come time for me to be assigned to Master Asrul X'akath to begin my Padawan training after having completed the trials set before me. To be honest, I found them surprisingly easy. *shrugs shoulders*
Should you wish to know more of me, I
will accommodate any inquires of me you may have, or Master Ag'grillon may even be able to inform you better as to my past.
Padawan Trials
Trial of Peace
Defeat Vokk (The Esseles), and
Defeat SD-0 (Coruscant World Boss),
On a routine trip to Coruscant, our transport came under attack. The source was a Sith named Vokk. He believed he needed a real challenge and to face a Jedi. It was a mistake he will never make again.

Then while on Coruscant the Battle Droid SD-0 programming got tampered with, making the Droid unpredictable and flat out dangerous. No technician could get near to reset it's programming leaving us with only one course of action.
Trial of Knowledge
Attend ONE of the following
classes: RP 101, PvE 101, PvP 101
While on Tython I came across Master Iso-jor. I was fortuante enough to participate in his combat class.
Trial of Serenity
Trial of Harmony
Reach Valor Rank 20 and obtain the
Duelist title (PVP Option)
Complete an (RP) task from your new
"Sanctioned Master"
Trial of the Force
Duel a PvP Master
My duel with Master Iso-Jor showed me how powerful the force can be when wielded by a Master. I greatly desire to be as effective in combat against the Sith.
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