Siranna-dei was stunning to behold. A slender frame, curvy in all the right places, full lips, lush hair and alluring eyes. Any Hutt on Nar Shaddar would sell his mother to get her to be a dancer in any of his...less morally sound establishments.
Unfortunately that would more than likely get himself and his entire entourage brutally and systematically slaughtered.
Siranna-dei was Sith, and an incredibly cold calculating one at that, even by Sith standards (and that's saying something).
There was only one thing she loved more that butchering innocents. Destroying the soul and belief system of a Jedi, watching his internal conflict, maybe his succumbing to the dark side.
Her fondest memory, which always makes her smile (a smile people normally only see just before Siranna-dei's lightsaber ends their life), was seeing a Jedi cut down his own padawan. Oh, how she loves that holocron.
But her new conquest was a little bit different, and quite a bit more time consuming and she hoped would bring her even more satisfaction.
The oh-so noble, honourable, self-sacrificing for the greater good, devoted father and husband (pretty much the embodiment of everything Siranna-dei despises), Jedi, Hu'thrane Lan.
She had watched him fight many times, even tried to kill him with a few traps...that never got executed properly, stupid Rattakai. Over a period of time she felt a new emotion, possibly a hint of admiration, no, respect, for his skill in the force. A skill she planned to exploit for her own sadistic purposes.
Oh yes, this will be fun. Her mind was racing now with plans and possibilities...and she smiled.
"I know that smile" X’aine mumbled. "What are you up to now?"
"You'll find out soon enough" was her nonchalant response.
Ah, Hu'thrane...handsome yes. Could he be turned? Hmm, maybe. But Siranna-dei had a better idea. Turn his son. Yes, that would be better.
You see, Hu'thrane Lan was from Corellia. He was known as a Green Jedi. A Jedi that puts great emphasis on taking care of their families and their core system. Now Siranna-dei knew where to start her plan.
Hu'thrane's beautiful wife and his young son.
On Corellia.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
My new Master
I greatly desire this holocron to not be found. It may open the window to secrets that should remain, secret. Yet this holocron must be made, that while these events are fresh in my memory, that they would be recorded that I may ponder and muse upon them in the week, months years to come as to learn why the force has deemed that Master Asrul X’akath be my Master. And if it is viewed by my fellow Jedi, please consider that I am no Master and all things considered, quite a young Jedi.
The Jedi Masters on Tython have deem it is time for me to leave, (or I have outlived my welcome) and have sent me to The Shining Star of the core worlds to meet with the Jedi Master, Asrul X'anath. It had auspicious beginnings, though I felt no 'problem' (I feel it hard to describe accurately) with the force.
Our comm link's static.
My Masters late arrival at a location just south of an Imperial Base.
A Sith Lord visitor. (He seemed very...full of himself, that I should somehow be intimidated or fearful of him in someway, but I knew he wasn't looking for a fight. I found his 'ploys' more amusing than anything else)
My Master's twin sister (I desire greatly to meet with her in person)
My Master.
Me. (How, did the Sith Lord know of me? I am of no master...yes...the eyes, I will speak more of this)
Some believe in fate, other's destiny. Even my Master believes in choices. Not I. There is the Force. This day, has been planned, arranged and we merely played our part in carrying it out.
My Master is a curious one, which gives me comfort as he also has many questions. But I am puzzled. It is, (at least to me), blindingly obvious that he is Sith (as in pureblood, not as in a Dark Force side adherrant) and yet he does much to obscure this truth about himself.
His heritage makes me all the more eager to know more of him, and to learn from him.
In any case, I recognise those eyes of his. I've seen them before.
I think I may have met his father...but why did he want to meet me? I feel that things are not what they seem. That there are powers secretly manipulating events. It doesn't bother me though. The events will play out, and our enemies will soon learn their folly in underestimating my Master and I. I feel the power of the Force, and when I am near my Master, the power only grows stronger.
I look forward to our future. I am curious. *smiles*. At the very least, it's not going to be boring!
After returning to my shuttle, I accessed the Holocron of my master Asrul X’akath.
Father's Name:
[Dian'jie's eyebrows rise] "Interesting"
Now I'm really curious. Does my Master know his father? Meet him. Should I tell him that...
I have...
The Jedi Masters on Tython have deem it is time for me to leave, (or I have outlived my welcome) and have sent me to The Shining Star of the core worlds to meet with the Jedi Master, Asrul X'anath. It had auspicious beginnings, though I felt no 'problem' (I feel it hard to describe accurately) with the force.
Our comm link's static.
My Masters late arrival at a location just south of an Imperial Base.
A Sith Lord visitor. (He seemed very...full of himself, that I should somehow be intimidated or fearful of him in someway, but I knew he wasn't looking for a fight. I found his 'ploys' more amusing than anything else)
My Master's twin sister (I desire greatly to meet with her in person)
My Master.
Me. (How, did the Sith Lord know of me? I am of no master...yes...the eyes, I will speak more of this)
Some believe in fate, other's destiny. Even my Master believes in choices. Not I. There is the Force. This day, has been planned, arranged and we merely played our part in carrying it out.
My Master is a curious one, which gives me comfort as he also has many questions. But I am puzzled. It is, (at least to me), blindingly obvious that he is Sith (as in pureblood, not as in a Dark Force side adherrant) and yet he does much to obscure this truth about himself.
His heritage makes me all the more eager to know more of him, and to learn from him.
In any case, I recognise those eyes of his. I've seen them before.
I think I may have met his father...but why did he want to meet me? I feel that things are not what they seem. That there are powers secretly manipulating events. It doesn't bother me though. The events will play out, and our enemies will soon learn their folly in underestimating my Master and I. I feel the power of the Force, and when I am near my Master, the power only grows stronger.
I look forward to our future. I am curious. *smiles*. At the very least, it's not going to be boring!
After returning to my shuttle, I accessed the Holocron of my master Asrul X’akath.
Father's Name:
[smacks face with the palm of his hand]
"Of course it would be" Dian'jie muttered.
"HEY, T7, can you slice this file?"
[T7] = "yes master. T7 + slicing = success"
"Jedi Master Asrul X'akath + Father = X’aine X’akath"
[Dian'jie's eyebrows rise] "Interesting"
Now I'm really curious. Does my Master know his father? Meet him. Should I tell him that...
I have...
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Dian'jie meets Master Ag'grillon
Dian'jie was born on a remote part of Dantooine with no siblings. He never knew his
mother and his father never spoke of her and something Dian'jie never questioned.
He grew up on his father's farm and had little contact with other children.
When he was four his father took him to one of the many trading ports. It was Dian'jie's first trip that he can remember and a day that would change his peaceful, somewhat idyllic life. The vibrant sounds, colours of the port assailed the youths senses. For lack of a better word, he was awestruck. For his whole life the land and his father had provided all he needed, thus he had no concept of money nor the need to pay for something. If there was a fruit tree and he was hungry, he'd simply pick the fruit and eat it. His few toys, were all provided by his father. Dian'jie's father had moved forward out of sight from Dian'jie, he hadn't noticed but then upon seeing an interesting trinket on a stall he simply took it.
The owners anger was understandable but to Dian'jie it was not. Flee or fight is a natural instinct and even at such a young age, the thought of flight never entered his mind. The store owner attempted to snatch the trinket back but Dian'jie didn't release his grip, his face showed surprise, then confusion and finally anger as the owner and Dian'jie tussled over the trinket. Dian'jie's frustration rose and before anybody could intervene, he pushed the owner back with his free hand, with a surprising result that shocked all observing the scene of an owner nabbing a little thief.
A full grown man was knocked off his feet and thrown backward a full 20 meters by a child, crashing not only through his stall, but making a mess of several others as well. Now there was a throng of brassed off vendors. A situation that was rapidly getting out of control. At this junction Master Ag'grillon felt it would be prudent to take action. He had been observing the child's innocent curiosity for a while, bringing back memories of his own youth. Of course he too was just as surprised as everybody else, but being a Jedi Master he knew the source of the child's performance and immediately recognised the potential of the young boy.
A force push from one so young and with no training. Dantooine was famous for producing powerful Jedis (and unfortunately Sith too), and it seems another one was in the making. Stepping in-between Dian'jie and the disgruntled vendors Master Ag'grillon quickly calmed the crowd with a wave of his hand, and the offering of credits (of course).
'You'd best come with me, young one' Master Ag'grillon spoke to Dian'jie, 'and keep your hands to yourself'
"It would be best if you did. And where is your father?"
"Why? Who are you?"
This would be a conversation Master Ag'grillon and Dian'jie would play out many times over the next few days. Dian'jie proving to be quite...some might say, challenging of authority, others might say curious as to the motives behind requests. Sometimes Master Ag'grillon thought that Dian'jie was being used by the Force to teach him the meaning of tolerance and patience. A lesson Dian'jie's Masters on Tython would also have to endure for many years.
During this conversation, Dian'jie's father returned. As Master Ag'grillon turned to him his words of greeting fell flat on his lips.
"You're here for the boy" Dian'jie's father asked.
"It seems so, I...."
"It wasn't a question Jedi" interrupting Master Ag'grillon's response. His voice holding a tinge of, well, a severe lack of common courtesy. "Take him and leave me be"
"Father?" Dian'jie responded, surprised and confused as to his fathers tone and words.
Immediately his fathers tone changed into that of a caring parent.
"Don't worry son. I knew this day would come. It will be alright and we will see each other again, but you must go with this man, and learn all you can from him and the others like him."
Dian'jie obeyed and left Dantooine with Master Ag'grillon. He was very excited sitting in the Jedi Masters shuttle as it took off, his face smiling and carefree. The exact opposite of Master Ag'grillon.
He grew up on his father's farm and had little contact with other children.
When he was four his father took him to one of the many trading ports. It was Dian'jie's first trip that he can remember and a day that would change his peaceful, somewhat idyllic life. The vibrant sounds, colours of the port assailed the youths senses. For lack of a better word, he was awestruck. For his whole life the land and his father had provided all he needed, thus he had no concept of money nor the need to pay for something. If there was a fruit tree and he was hungry, he'd simply pick the fruit and eat it. His few toys, were all provided by his father. Dian'jie's father had moved forward out of sight from Dian'jie, he hadn't noticed but then upon seeing an interesting trinket on a stall he simply took it.
The owners anger was understandable but to Dian'jie it was not. Flee or fight is a natural instinct and even at such a young age, the thought of flight never entered his mind. The store owner attempted to snatch the trinket back but Dian'jie didn't release his grip, his face showed surprise, then confusion and finally anger as the owner and Dian'jie tussled over the trinket. Dian'jie's frustration rose and before anybody could intervene, he pushed the owner back with his free hand, with a surprising result that shocked all observing the scene of an owner nabbing a little thief.
A full grown man was knocked off his feet and thrown backward a full 20 meters by a child, crashing not only through his stall, but making a mess of several others as well. Now there was a throng of brassed off vendors. A situation that was rapidly getting out of control. At this junction Master Ag'grillon felt it would be prudent to take action. He had been observing the child's innocent curiosity for a while, bringing back memories of his own youth. Of course he too was just as surprised as everybody else, but being a Jedi Master he knew the source of the child's performance and immediately recognised the potential of the young boy.
A force push from one so young and with no training. Dantooine was famous for producing powerful Jedis (and unfortunately Sith too), and it seems another one was in the making. Stepping in-between Dian'jie and the disgruntled vendors Master Ag'grillon quickly calmed the crowd with a wave of his hand, and the offering of credits (of course).
'You'd best come with me, young one' Master Ag'grillon spoke to Dian'jie, 'and keep your hands to yourself'
"It would be best if you did. And where is your father?"
"Why? Who are you?"
This would be a conversation Master Ag'grillon and Dian'jie would play out many times over the next few days. Dian'jie proving to be quite...some might say, challenging of authority, others might say curious as to the motives behind requests. Sometimes Master Ag'grillon thought that Dian'jie was being used by the Force to teach him the meaning of tolerance and patience. A lesson Dian'jie's Masters on Tython would also have to endure for many years.
During this conversation, Dian'jie's father returned. As Master Ag'grillon turned to him his words of greeting fell flat on his lips.
"You're here for the boy" Dian'jie's father asked.
"It seems so, I...."
"It wasn't a question Jedi" interrupting Master Ag'grillon's response. His voice holding a tinge of, well, a severe lack of common courtesy. "Take him and leave me be"
"Father?" Dian'jie responded, surprised and confused as to his fathers tone and words.
Immediately his fathers tone changed into that of a caring parent.
"Don't worry son. I knew this day would come. It will be alright and we will see each other again, but you must go with this man, and learn all you can from him and the others like him."
Dian'jie obeyed and left Dantooine with Master Ag'grillon. He was very excited sitting in the Jedi Masters shuttle as it took off, his face smiling and carefree. The exact opposite of Master Ag'grillon.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
My Padawan Trials
To the Jedi Order.
Hello, I have been referred to you after completing my
initial Jedi training on Tython as a youngling. I remember little of my life before coming here, except I was brought to Tython by Master Ag'grillon from my home planet of Dantooine when I was 4 or 5 years old. Since then Tython, the Temple and the Jedi has been my home and family.
It however has come time for me to be assigned to Master Asrul X'akath to begin my Padawan training after having completed the trials set before me. To be honest, I found them surprisingly easy. *shrugs shoulders*
It however has come time for me to be assigned to Master Asrul X'akath to begin my Padawan training after having completed the trials set before me. To be honest, I found them surprisingly easy. *shrugs shoulders*
Should you wish to know more of me, I
will accommodate any inquires of me you may have, or Master Ag'grillon may even be able to inform you better as to my past.
Padawan Trials
Trial of Peace
Defeat Vokk (The Esseles), and
Defeat SD-0 (Coruscant World Boss),
On a routine trip to Coruscant, our transport came under attack. The source was a Sith named Vokk. He believed he needed a real challenge and to face a Jedi. It was a mistake he will never make again.

Then while on Coruscant the Battle Droid SD-0 programming got tampered with, making the Droid unpredictable and flat out dangerous. No technician could get near to reset it's programming leaving us with only one course of action.
Trial of Knowledge
Attend ONE of the following
classes: RP 101, PvE 101, PvP 101
While on Tython I came across Master Iso-jor. I was fortuante enough to participate in his combat class.
Trial of Serenity
Trial of Harmony
Reach Valor Rank 20 and obtain the
Duelist title (PVP Option)
Complete an (RP) task from your new
"Sanctioned Master"
Trial of the Force
Duel a PvP Master
My duel with Master Iso-Jor showed me how powerful the force can be when wielded by a Master. I greatly desire to be as effective in combat against the Sith.
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