Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Shift in the Service

It had been months since the stupid interview/interrogation by military intelligence. Laurin snorted at the greatest oxymoron in Republic life. Still the SpecForce missions were rarely boring and there were plently of them which kept her mind off these matters. Despite her blue skin and rigid ways she had found a home, comradeship among her fellow soliders. It's always dangerous when you get too comfortable, and things were about to change...a lot.

Upon the shuttle returning to republic fleet, a holocron message was awaiting the Captain. "Report to the XO's office immediately" Thinking nothing of it, Laurin immediately went. At the XO's office, his secretary seeing her immediately stood and opened the door "they're expecting you"

"They?" The secretary had the professional look of "don't know, don't need to know, don't want to know"

Upon entering the room the XO was clearly fuming. In front of him were 2 civilians, yet Laurin immediatley knew they were no civilians. They were way too calm in front of the intimitating XO to be simple civilians.

"Ahh, Captain Laurin, it's good to finally meet you" His thick accent immedately giving him away as an Imperial.
"Ok, this is getting interesting" Laurin thought.
"Really?" Then ignoring him address the XO. "You wanted to see me sir?"

"Yes Captain, take a seat"
" are from SIS. This one (pointing at the Imperial), isn't here, and this one has new orders for you."
The XO, clearly unhappy said nothing and just looked at the SIS gentleman who had yet to speak.
Calmly the man stood and looked directly at Laurin.
"Yes, that's her all right"
"Captain Laurin, I won't waste your time with pleasantrys and we'll get right to the point. This man before you is a defector. He was an Imperial fleet commander. (Laurin's face clearly showing she didn't care at all)
"The Empire is not yet aware of his defection and we've conviced him to return as a double agent, and we need someone to fly him back to Imperial Space"
"You want me to fly him back?" Questioned Laurin, glancing over at the XO who was stubbornly looking out a window while rapping his fingers on his desk.
"Intially yes. And then you are to be his attachee. You are to become our spy in Empire space too. And do you know why Captain?"
"I'm going to assume you already know the answer to that question" retorted Laurin.
"Quite. Because this man was your sisters commanding officer. And she is only listed as MIA, despite the fact you blew her head off on Ilum. As such it will be easy for you to assume her old role in the Imperial Fleet and with his recommendation be granted a higher security clearance. Any questions?"
"Go to hell, I don't take orders from you" spat Laurin.
"You do now...Laurin" The XO retorted, emphasising the fact he didn't say Captain. "Your transfer papers are here signed and approved. Good Luck"
"So that's that then sir?"
The XO was again looking out the window indicating this meeting was over.
Laurin, mainting her composure turned to the SIS agent. "So, when do we go?"
"Right now"

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Aoeworth Lt. Trials

Lieutenant Rank:

Have completed all non-heroic flashpoint’s up to level 25. (Screen Shot Required)
1. The Esseles (Carrick Station, Coruscant Departures), Level 10.

2. Hammer Station (Dropship Launch Hangar). Level 17.

3. Athiss (Dropship Launch Hangar). Level 21.

4. Mandalorian Raiders (Dropship Launch Hangar). Level 25.

Have defeated all major planetary world bosses (up to level 30) (Screen Shot Required)
BOSS: SD-O, LEVEL: 18, LOCATION: Coruscant

BOSS: Subject Alpha, LEVEL: 21, LOCATION: Taris

BOSS: Trapjaw, LEVEL: 30, LOCATION: Tatooine

• Attend a 101 Class (PvP, PvE, RP) (Screen Shot Required)

• Acquire Level 100 in all three skill crew areas. (Screen Shot Required)

• Recruit 2 New Troopers or Reach Level 20 Valor (Screen Shot Required)


Republic SpecForce is recruiting all troopers! We are RP, in uniform and follow military ranks/orders, use teamspeak and are part of a 6 guild community. If interested and over 18yrs, apply at *salute*.

Sorry, I'm unable to invite to the guild. But just make a post/apply on our forums and an officer will get you an ingame invite asap. *salute*
Aspiring troopers. If a mission to take out a prominent Sith Lord on Korriban had a success rate of 5% and a survival rate even lower, your response is BRING IT ON, then Republic SpecForce would like to hear from you. ((RP Guild)).

Recruiting RP ceremony beginning in    whisper for invite

Whisper for more details soldiers. */salute*

Welcome to the screening phase for the elite fighting unit of the Republic military. We have high fatality rate because we do the most dangerous of missions, without fear, without hesitation. We are soldiers, not monsters.

Therefore, there are some that are too young to die. All soldiers must be 18 years or older. If you are 18 years or older, take one step forward. (Article 1)

Sorry solider, thank you for trying, but without parental consent, Republic SpecForce must deny your application. ((would need your parents or guardian to be on Teamspeak to give the founder of the guilds permission for you to join us))

(Article 2) As we are the cutting edge of the Republic Military, we conduct ourselves a step above the rest. We are in uniform. Failure to be in uniform will result in disciplinary action and/or removal from SpecForce.

Our uniform is heavy armour in white/red, or red/white colours. We wear this uniform 24/7, because we are ready 24/7 to take down imperial scum. If you are willing to comply with this regulation, take one step forward.

((help will be given in obtaining your first uniform, don't worry))

(Article 3) We do things by the numbers and your nametags will display either the rank you hold in SpecForce or any other title you have obtained via your completed missions.

((i.e. only wear the title Sergeant, Lieutenant if you have that rank in the guild)).

To complete the recruiting process you need to place your mark here.
/e pushes a datapad in front of the new recruits
((apply on our website:

Now, any questions soldiers?

No? Very good, repeat after me, the oath of Republic SpecForce.

We stand strong
Doing our duty
Always vigilant
Always faithful
Never retreat
Never surrender
We will fight
We will die

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Laurin's Captain Trials

Name: Laurin
Current Rank: Lieutenant
Advancement Requested to: Captain

Laurin requests permission to advance to the next rank. She has met all requirements for advancement.

Captain Rank

• Complete Act 2 and reach 40.

Have completed all non-heroic flashpoint’s up to level 40. 

 1. Cademimu (Dropship Launch Hangar). Level 29.
2. Taral V (Telos Hangar Deck). Level 33.
3. Maelstrom Prison (Telos Hangar Deck). Level 37.

Have defeated all major planetary world bosses (up to level 40)

BOSS: Battledroid R4-GL, LEVEL: 32, LOCATION: Narshada
BOSS: Ulgo Siegebreaker, LEVEL: 35, LOCATION: Alderaan
BOSS: Rogue Cartel Warbot, LEVEL: 38, LOCATION: Quesh

• Teach a 101 Class (PvP, PvE, RP)
• Acquire Level 300 in all three skill crew areas. 

• Recruit 4 Troopers or Reach Level 35 Valor

 • Complete Act 2 and reach 40.

 Have completed all non-heroic flashpoint’s up to level 40.
 1. Cademimu (Dropship Launch Hangar). Level 29.
 2. Taral V (Telos Hangar Deck). Level 33.

 3. Maelstrom Prison (Telos Hangar Deck). Level 37.

 Have defeated all major planetary world bosses (up to level 40)
 BOSS: Battledroid R4-GL, LEVEL: 32, LOCATION: Narshada

 BOSS: Ulgo Siegebreaker, LEVEL: 35, LOCATION: Alderaan
 BOSS: Rogue Cartel Warbot, LEVEL: 38, LOCATION: Quesh

 • Teach a 101 Class (PvP, PvE, RP)

 • Acquire Level 300 in all three skill crew areas.

 • Recruit 4 Troopers or Reach Level 35 Valor

Lieutenant Laurin

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Questions Begin

Laurin sat in a steel chair in a small windowless room. A large obviously 2 way mirror stretched across one wall.  The room was void of any decoration. Clearly an interrogation room.
Laurin waited. 10, 20, 30 minutes. She never moved yet her mind was racing with questions. Why now? Why this interrogation now? Why are my loyalites being questioned now?
Laurin had defected to the Republic Armed Forces 2 years prior and had been assigned to Fleet and then quickly transferred to the special forces division (aka Republic SpecForce).
An average looking man, with an average build, the kind of man who is easily forgotten entered the room and took a seat opposite Laurin. He seemed brimming with confidence but as he looked upon Laurin his confidence visibly erroded. He had interrogated many defectors, officers accused of underhanded dealings and he was good at his job. But never had he sat opposite a Chiss before. Laurin's scowling expression with a marble like blue complexion and burning red eyes easily put him on edge.
He coughed nervously and Laurin enjoyed seeing his discomfort.
"Lets start with your name" as he pushed his datapad to begin recording the session.
Laurin's eyes stared impassively at the man, already having no respect for him whatsoever. No response.
"Your name?" The man repeated.
Laurin's disdain became apparent even to her questioner. Instead she cocked her head to the side in a questioning manner.
The man, while not stupid, got the point.
"Right...then let's get right to it. You're probably curious as to why we are having this interview now"
Laurin took in a deeper breath and let out an audible sigh of impatience. If looks could kill, there wouldn't be much left of the man for the mop up crew to find.
"Right, right. Ok, um. When you first came to us you were assigned to fleet and then transferred to special forces" The man looked up hesitantly, interpreting Laurin's silence as confirmation.
"Right" he began to sweat a little. "SIS was then assigned to investigate your initial claims to the reasons why you defected. They have found all they can about you from their Imperial plants. There are obviously some gaps that we would like filled in."
Inwardly Laurin was quietly relived. If the SIS had done a good job, this interview is nothing more than curiosity. She knew it would have been well documented by her superiors in the Chiss and Empire fleet alike as to how much she despised the Empire.
You have a twin sister serving with Imperial fleet? The man again looked up from his datapad.
Laurins face gave nothing away. In a voice that seemed to lower the room temperature Laurin spoke.
"Had? Elaborate please Lieutenant"
"I put a blaster between her eyes and pulled the trigger" in a voice devoid of emotion.
The officers and politicians behind the mirrored wall paused and took note of this revelation.
The man was clearly at a loss for words. He hoped his earpiece would come alive to give him instructions as to what line of questioning he should now take.
Then it did come alive after too long a pause. "Ask her why you idiot"
"Ahh, umm, why did you do that Lieutenant?"
"Because she followed the Imperial dogma. I didn't you bueaurocratic datapad loving nerfherder. Is there a point to all this? In case you haven't noticed the Empire is making plans and executing them all across the galaxy and you're wanting a family history lesson? My job is to kill Imps. How many have you killed? Don't worry, that's a rhetorical question.
As quickly as her outburst was, it subsided just as quick, and she fell back in to a quiet emotionless interviewee.

The man's earpiece crackled to life again, "She is dismissed"
"Ok, umm, your free to go Lieutenant"

Laurin stood and addressed the mirror.
"If you want answers, ask me yourself. You know exactly where I'll be. She then left the room in a relaxed unhurried manner.
Behind the mirror the conversation continued. "I don't doubt her loyalty, but I think there is more in her past that could aid us. Keep digging."
"Yes sir."

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Laurin's Lieutenant Trials

Name: Laurin
Current Rank: Sergeant
Advancement Requested to: Lieutenant

Laurin requests permission to advance to the next rank. She has met all requirements for advancement.

Requirements for Lieutenant Rank:
Have completed all non-heroic flashpoint’s up to level 25. 
1. The Esseles (Carrick Station, Coruscant Departures), Level 10.
2. Hammer Station (Dropship Launch Hangar). Level 17.
3. Athiss (Dropship Launch Hangar). Level 21.
4. Mandalorian Raiders (Dropship Launch Hangar). Level 25.

Have defeated all major planetary world bosses (up to level 30) 
BOSS: Subject Alpha, LEVEL: 21, LOCATION: Taris
BOSS: Trapjaw, LEVEL: 30, LOCATION: Tatooine

• Attend a 101 Class (PvP, PvE, RP) 
• Acquire Level 100 in all three skill crew areas.
• Recruit 2 New Troopers or Reach Level 20 Valor

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Aoeworth's Trials - SpecForce

Private Aoeworth's Sergeant Trials
Joined Teamspeak
Now I can hear your voice...
 3 Datacrons on Ord Mantell

 Defeat Vokk
Do I feel sorry, hmm, nope.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Laurin Bio


Laurin, a skilled Chiss Expansionary Defence Fleet pilot surprised none of her superiors at her eventual resignation letter. Even less surprised at her answer to 'what will you do now'? 'I will join the Republic forces if they'll have me' a very matter of fact response.

It was no secret how much loathing she had for the Empire with their xenophobic stance, underhanded techniques and aggressive pro-war stance. Her feeling was shared by many who knew her too.

Proud, disciplined, respected and humorless, Laurin got the job done, yet now she finds herself in strange territory surrounded by ignorant humans who know nothing of the Chiss except that many are allied with the Empire, and judge her to be the same. Nevertheless, she is determined to prove her worth by deed and action rather then by words and so, she has somewhat retreated into herself and thus comes off as being aloof, cold, curt and arrogant to those she meets.

Likes: Order, discipline, personal honor, candor.
Dislikes: Complainers, cowards, dishonest speech or dealings.

Sergeant Trials:
• Register on the SpecForce Forums (
• Download, Install and Log-in to the TeamSpeak3 JEDI Community of Guilds server
• Address:
• Password: amicus

  • Board the Esseles (Flashpoint) - Defeat Vokk
Sith thinks he can take down a trooper...priceless.

• Obtain all (3) Datacrons on Ord Mantell

All three shiny boxes completed

• BOSS: SD-0, LEVEL: 18, LOCATION: Coruscant

Crazy virus infected droid, taken DOWN

• Lead 3 SpecForce Members in the Hammer Station Flashpoint (If no SpecForce members are available, you may invite someone from JEDl; post that in your request for promotion)

Proved that the ugly battlelord is no match for a squad from SpecForce.

• Attend one of the following class/event:

1. Trooper Training Mission (RP, PvP, OR PvE 101)* MUST* Be a SpecForce event. If you cannot make an event, seek private training from a Major, Captain, or Lieutenant
Captain Vrahn taught me the intricate details of turning left and right. RP 101.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

If only you knew...

Even in the darkest times, there is time for love.

The battle against the Empire raged. Sith fell, Jedi fell. Cities burned. For every advance one side made, there was loss.

Corellias defenses were strong. The Green Jedi indomitable and relentless in their defense of the homeworld. They were winning.

Adellia was a survivor. She had seen in many battles. The force flowed through her like water. Effortlessly. To watch her fight was like watching a ballet, graceful, mesmerizing and to Hu'thrane, sexy as hell. He was always happy when they were assigned a mission together.

During the war their romance blossomed. To Adellia getting married was wonderful. Hu'thrane also strong in the force would make a wonderful father, but becoming pregnant was a mixed blessing. It forced her away from the battle with the Empire. She was given a new responsibility and now with Hu'thrane off world to join the Jedi Order (with the Green Jedi's blessing) the responsibility grew to raise their son, and train him in the way of the Force.

But she wasn't alone. Adellia's handmaiden, Misalla, also a green jedi was always on hand to help even with the most menial of tasks. The Green Jedi would see to it that the future of their order was kept safe.

Oh how they failed. Oh, how her handmaiden failed. Oh how she failed.

How did she miss the telltale signs as she returned from market, nobody knows. But miss them she did. She was on Corellia, surrounded by Green Jedi, a Jedi herself. If ever there was a safe location in the galaxy at this time, it would be here.


"Misalla?" Misalla, where are you? Adellia could hear her son's cries from the nursery.
Misalla? Now Adellia began to sense something was amiss.
And as she did, the attack came fast. Brutal. Aggressive and full of hate.

Adellia may have been pregnant for 9 months. May now be a mother. But she was also a seasoned jedi warrior. Her lightsaber is never far. Sommersaulting away from the initial attack, her lightsaber sprang into her hand and it green glow quickly shone forth and the two red sabres arched down with a scream of fury at losing the advantage of surprise. The scream also betraying the gender of her attacker.

Now the female combatants circled each other, like two hungry panthers. One sneering, one indignant at such an audacious attack.

Again the sabers crackled as they intercepted each lunge, cut and slash. Each time her assailant becoming more frustrated.

"What's wrong, not as easy as you thought?" Adellia jibed.
"Not at all" Came an uncharacteristic calm response. "I see your friend isn't joining us, yes, I had the pleasure of killing her first"
Adellia already knew this to be true, yet the words still caused a pang of sadness for her fallen comrade.

Suddenly her assailant threw her sabre at her. She easily avoided it, surprised that her opponent would make such a worthless action. But she never felt the other sabre sever her arm. When she rose her sabre to defend the next blow nothing happened. No green light rushed up to parry the red light diving for her chest.

The last thing she saw was the cold green eyes staring into hers, her killers face so close to hers.
"Goodbye" her attacker whispered.
And Adellia slumped to the floor.

The baby had never seen a red shining light before. He reached up his hand to grab it, thinking it another plaything. The baby never cried again.

"Slice the holo recorder and upload this recording" she spoke not turning to face her accomplice, but just looking at her handiwork, savoring the moment.
A second figure emerged from the shadows, taking the disk from his masters outstretched hand.
"Yes boss"
A few moments later.
"Good, now let the fun begin" was the cold response.
She smiled.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Secret Revealed

"So, how about that Master" Dian'jie happily spoke, slapping his Master on the back.
Exasperated Asrul responded "I'm no longer your master, but you did well." for some reason, he felt quite relieved at that truth.

As the pair walked away, Master Orion-sol called out. "Oh, Dian'jie, Master Harfang is expecting you in the Jedi archives"

How many times Dian'jie had tried to secretly access his fathers archived holocron had almost become a running joke at the temple when he was a youngling. Everytime however Master Harfang's encryptions and watchful eye had thwarted his clumsy attempts.

"Oh, it's you" Master Harfang sighed at the sight of a almost skipping Dian'jie
"I'm here to s...."
"I KNOW, WE ALL KNOW. You've been trying for years. Fine. It's over there." Master Harfang gestured with a wave of his hand in the direction of the archived holocrons.
"Thank you Master" Dian'jie uncharacteristically showing some respect and bowing. The only response from Master Harfang was a 'humph' and a return to his busy work.

"I'll leave you Dian'jie, be careful with the knowledge you will discover here". Placing his hand on his former padawans shoulder. "There is always a choice."

Accessing holocron of Hu'thrane Lan...
Access granted. Dian'jie let out a little 'ha' (Master Harfang still heard it, glancing over and shaking his head)

Hu'thrane Lan
Birthplace: Corellia
Current Location: Unknowned yet sighted on Dantooine.
Siblings: None
Spouse: Deceased
Children: One surviving. Dian'jie Lan.
Brief History:
Hu'thrane was identified as force sensitive at a young age, the son of a Green Jedi, he too became one. Not only was he strong in the force, he was strong in body and mind too. Very passionate and loyal. We would say, overly aggressive too. He married and had a son. With the war with the Sith Empire Hu'thrane strongly objected to the Green Jedi's mandate of only concerning themselves with Corellia. He longed to combat the Sith Empire wherever they might be. His concern though of course was for his family.
His order however laid his concerns to rest. They gave him their blessing to travel to Courscant and join the Jedi Order and that they would take care of his wife and son in his absence.
He was a welcome addition to our order, while full of emotion, it was tempered with a strong sense of practicality, and his skill in 'negotiating' was exceptional.
Then the fateful day happened. An urgent holocron from Corellia. Hu'thrane immediately departed, on his arrival his fears were confirmed.

His Wife. His Son.


To say his grief was overwhelming would be an understatement. When asked the Green Jedi present explained a team bounty hunters had somehow killed the Green Jedi protecting his family, and had successfully escaped the Corellian system. The attached holocron shows Hu'thrane muttering you all failed me and then turning on his Jedi brethren and slaying them where they stood without any hesitation.

Hu'thranes wroth could not be saited. He was relentless in his hunt for the bounty hunters all over the known galaxy. Each time he found one, he would merciessly cut him (or her) down. It was rumored that his hunt even took him to Dormund Kas and Korriban. His hunt ended on Tatooine with even more loss of life. The final bounty hunter had been captured by a Jedi Order Knight and his padawan. They had been questioning the bounty hunter in relation to another incident (and very important). Hu'thrane found them before the Jedi felt they had garnered enough information from him. Hu'thrane of course was interested in only one thing. Cutting down the tied up bounty hunter. Something the Jedi and padawan could not allow.
Only Hu'thrane left Tattooine alive.
We felt that Hu'thrane had turned to the dark side. (his journeys to Dormund Kas and Korriban adding weight to this), so you can imagine our surprise when he turned up on the steps of the Jedi Temple in Corucsant and surrendering himself to the Jedi Council.
We pondered his fate. His rage had been spent. Those responsible were dead. Now he was a husk of his former self. We deemed time and mediation would eventually heal his wounds. We never found out if this was to pass. A week later, the Sith attacked and some of us in the order suspected Hu'thrane may have played a part in this, and he was Sith and was simply playing a role. The temple destroyed along with many Jedi. Hu'thrane was thought to have perished there too until the discovery of Hu'thrane on Dantooine by Master Agrillon, along with a boy, Dian'jie, claimed to be his son. Currently Hu'thrane is designated as a Rogue Jedi pending further investigation into the accusations of collusion with the Sith Empire with regards to the attack on the Jedi temple on Courscant.

For information regarding Dian'jie Lan please access the following holocron: AH33je_xx42-Dian'jieLan.

"Oh I gotta see this" Muttered Dian'jie.

Access denied.

"So, what did you think" Asruls casual question from his relaxed position in the cantina.
"Dunno, not overly surpised really. Always knew it was something 'shocking'" Dian'jie responded, himself slumping into a soft sofa.
"and, well, that's my dad. I know why he did it. Not sure if it was the way to go about it, but I understand."
"Good" Asrul nodded and then made a gesture
A large man then sat down next to Asrul, and removed his hood.
"Congratulations on your knighting son"

Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Knight Trials

Knight Trials:

Trial of Skill: 
Jedi are not just masters of battle, but also hold many diverse skills…
Attend ONE advanced class type (PvE, PvP, and RP)

Master Inttrigue had us meet her on Alderaan.We then began an adventurous journey through some insectoid lands, passing by an imperial outpost in search of some kind of elusive and valuable egg. Why it's valuable I have no idea, but it was indeed elusive. We never found one. Our journey ended at the rear end of Castle Planteer. Why we were trying to scale the wall like mountain goats still confuses me. At least the Alderaanian ale was of some recompense.

Acquire Level 300 in all three skill crew areas.
Now I know why we need to improve our skills in crafting. It is to show us how mind-numbingly boring it is. Ergo to appreciate, love and improve our combat skills. 

Trial of Courage: 
Even a Jedi needs to summon Courage to face the challenges that will certainly present themselves…
Have completed every non-heroic flashpoint up to level 40

I found this trial very interesting. Honing my combat skills in fighting with allies. I will give the Empire this. They are stubborn. Every time they try to take something over, there we are slapping them silly and taking it back. First was:
Hammer Station

Then off to Athiss, where some ancient dead guy...won't stay dead, so we fixed that for him.
I had heard rumors that the Mandalorians were fearful opponents. So I was quite excited when I heard of their impetuous attack. In the end, they died and I was kinda let down.
Mandalorian Raiders

I only had one gripe about this mission. My team decided to not blow up the imperial fleet with the missiles. My head still hurts from all the times I've smacked my head over that stupid decision.
This mission showed me the reason why heavy armour isn't always the best option. The humidity of this planet is really bad. Was sweating like a bantha on Tattooine.
Taral V

There a few things as exciting as a prison break. And this was no exception. Of course meeting the (in)famous Revan was a bit of icing on the cake (after killing Kilran of course. That felt good, the arrogant..well corpse now)
Maelstrom Prison

Have defeated all major planetary world bosses (up to level 40)
This guy was u.g.l.y. and slow. Dude could really take a lightsaber to the knee quite well though. 
(Yes, that water was putrid and it took ages to clean my armour afterward.)
BOSS: Subject Alpha

This was a more interesting fight since a Sith thought it would be funny to interfere with our attempts to exact revenge for the death of all those cute Jawas. So on this day we defeated Trapjaw and the bonus, a Sith.
BOSS: Trapjaw
LOCATION: Tatooine

I think it must be a droid virus. First there was the problem on Coruscant, now here on Narshada. Still...outcome was the same. Spare parts anybody?
BOSS: Battledroid R4-GL
LOCATION: Narshada

And another Droid going nuts. Must look into the possiblities of creating a self-destruct virus for these crazy droids. Would move things along quickly since this guys shields made it very slow going.
BOSS: Ulgo Siegebreaker
LOCATION: Alderaan

Another droid. Seriously. I give up. I'm now yearning for flesh and blood opponents again. But then again, at least the droids don't monologue about how awesome they are and how feeble and pathetic our attempts at destroying them are.
BOSS: Rogue Cartel Warbot

Trial of the Spirit: 
Padawans have to look deep within their souls, on a quest of self-discovery.
Complete Act 2 of your story.

I only have one question at the end of this. Does the emperor bathe? Or does he wear those mummy rags all the time? At least I've got a Sith pureblood ally. That's bound to make the Masters on Tython squirm a bit. Haha, love that. Hey, Scourge, say "BOO"

Assemble one relic from acquired matrix shards at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant
Green goes there, then blue and finally a yellow! Wow, this is like being a youngling back on Tython!

Trial of the Flesh:
 All the Lightsaber trainings offered at the Temple cannot compare to the training received in battle…
Reach Valor Rank 30 (or recruit at least 2 new member to the guild, and complete an RP task for a Master)
This was by far, the most enjoyable part of my trials. Going into battle against the Empire. No more politics, no more talking, no more tip-toeing around that stupid Treaty of Courscant. See an Imp and shove my lightsaber into it!

Trial of Insight:
 A Jedi Knight learns that he is not responsible for his training alone, but for passing along that training and mentoring others…

Complete and post your Knight Trials and when approved request your Knight's Interview. 
  (Interview Panel must consist of at least 3 members that are High Council, Arbiter Council and/or the Grandmaster.

This will indeed be insightful...

Speak the Jedi Code at a Knighting ceremony as your final act to become a Jedi Knight.

You are now permitted take a (1) Padawan to mentor as your first act as a Jedi Knight. (and so become a "Sanctioned Master")