Sunday, December 28, 2014

So you wanna dps.

Part 2 in my series on Flashpointing basics.

Dpser's. Oh how we love you. Oh how we hate you. Bunch of epeen waving keyboard mashing facepalming teammate. Who can't dps? Everybody can you rabbid nobody. Go ahead quit the group. Companions directed correctly will do a better job than a dps'er who is blindly attacking everything that moves.

Ok, now that is out of my system...

Your job is to kill. Sounds easy right. But what to kill first? A simple question that in my travels few answer correctly.

You are faced with 2 Elites, 2 Strong and 3 Normal mobs (2 Riflemen and 1 Medic). Who dies first?

Go on, answer.

If you didn't say Medic you need to read more.

In every group there are 2 dpsers. Talk to each other. One of you takes the left normals, the other the right normals.

Why, cause I'm friggen telling you to. THAT'S WHY. Ok, because normal, strong and elite mobs all do the same about of basic damage. Think of your job as damage reduction by taking out damage dealers as quickly as possible. Normals having the lowest HP die very quickly. One shot? Maybe *cough* 2.

Medics die first, cause who wants them healing the stuff we're trying to kill? Hmmmm? GOD DAMN THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE.

*Ahem* Sorry about that.

Ok, all the normals are outta here, who next? (If adds come that are normals, they're all yours too)

Click the tank.

Yes, click the tank. Then click the tanks target. Target dead, click the tank, then click the tanks target. Target dead, click the tank, then click the tanks target. Target dead, click the tank, then click the tanks target. Target dead, click the tank, then click the tanks target. Target dead, click the tank, then click the tanks target. Target dead, click the tank, then click the tanks target.

Get the picture?

Why do this? 1. You'll take little to zero damage, the benefit to that is the healer won't have to heal you, only the tank and quite possibly can contribute to dpsing as well to make stuff die even quicker. Strongs will die real quick. CC's won't be broken. FP runs smoothly and quickly.

And remember:

Avoid the things and don't stand in the stuff.

So you wanna tank?

Welcome to the first post in a series on Flashpoint basics. I'm provoked to make this post after years of running with...less than competent players, not that I'm infallible or perfect, but seriously, if my companion could do a better job, something is wrong here.

Ok, so you've got a quest to do a Flashpoint (FP), you queue up on Group Finder (GF) and you select your role. In all honesty, if it's not a Hard Mode (HM), being in a specific dps build doesn't friggen matter in the greater scheme of things. Neither being in specific tank gear matters at this stage of normal FP's from levels 10-60, barring one piece. The shield generator.

First thing as a tank is to GET INTO TANKING STANCE. If you are a tank but your role is dps, don't be in a tanking stance. Let me say that again, Don't be in a tanking stance. No, no. NO. For these kind of FP's we don't need off tanks. (And off tanks should stance switch anyway.)

Sorsu form. Dark charge, Ion charge. If you're the tank, you're in that stance. If you're not the tank, you're not. PERIOD. No ifs, no buts. This is a pug. Do it right, smooth, controlled = quick, easy, fun. If you're an experienced group and like pushing the envelope, well, that's a whole other guide/post. But not here.

Second. Shield Generator. You know that thing that gives you 20% shield chance. Put it the hell on. You take less damage =  your healer doesn't have to heal so much, possibly drawing aggro, and can instead contribute more to dpsing. Gear, well, at this level and difficulty of flashpoints tanking gear/dpsing gear doesn't matter so much. It matters more in HM FP's and really matters in Operations (OPs).

Third: Guard. Guard the healer. Many say guard the DPS. Yeah...when their dps is high enough to actually rip aggro off the tank. In normal FP's 10-60 and when people aren't geared to the nines, time for an epeen adjustment. Your dps isn't all that and the healer will pull more aggro than you. Deal with it.

Fourth. Target Priorities. When facing multiple mobs who do I nail first? Being a tank is not for the faint of heart. You get to leap in first and they all pound on you. But hey you can take it right? (If you didn't just yell, 'hell yeah', then maybe you need to rethink being a tank). First target is always the biggest baddest dude(tte) around. The Champion, Elite, Strong mobs. You attack the biggest, fire off your taunts or w/e it is you do then switch to the next strongest.

Example. You are faced with 1 Elite, 2 Strongs and 4 Normal Mobs. The tank attacks the Elite first, gaining aggro. Then switch to one of the strongs and stay on it. Ignore the normals. When the strong is dead, switch to the next strong until it's dead. Then switch to the Elite.

IF aggro is lost on the Elite, taunt it back to you and continue with the above formula. Just follow this, trust me. I know there are lots of but what if this and that. This guide is for you tanks. There are other people in the group too, and they have their roles. This is your role. Make sure you can do this before worrying about anything else. Focus now. If your other group members are doing their job, this is all you'll ever have to do.

What skills to use? Not saying, up to you to figure out and there are plenty of guides around discussing that.

Have fun tanking and remember:

Avoid the things and don't stand in the stuff.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Dossier on Vorss

Name: Vorss Langsdown
Birth: 17 BTC, Balmorra.
Kin: Unverified.
Unremarkable childhood. More interested in parties and girls than studying. Seemed eager to join the conflict during the galactic war. At the age of 18, promptly joined the Republic military. (Must have been disappointed since the ToC was signed in the same year)
Was found to have a natural affinity with explosives and quickly became the go to guy for bomb placement and disarmament.
His interest with girls landed him in trouble with his XO, (the Xo's daughter to be more precise). Transferred, his love of explosives got him into more trouble. An explosion killing a number of squad members. Rumors flew that he was simply removing competition for the affections of yet another young lady. Our own investigation uncovered that the rumors were unfounded but nevertheless he still got court martialed.
Sent to military prison, a few unsavoury types were able to procure certain ingredients with which Vorss was able to make an incendiary device, thus facilitating his and a number of fellow inmates, escape. A number of those inmates happened to be Mandalorians. We surmise he must have spent some time with them before his return to Balmorra (which would account for his armouring).
Upon his return to Balmorra he found it in it's current state. Using an attractive female agent, we made contact with Vorss and were able to quickly get him on the pay roll as an informer in exchange for "services" rendered. He was able to infiltrate the Balmorran resistance and gave us good intel on a number of their ongoing operations.
Due to this, in the 12th month 12ATC, Vorss's pay grade was bumped to Agent. His loyalties are still highly questionable. His security level is ultra low as he has proven a nice pair of legs is all that is needed to pry information out of him. Being an imposing figure (as well as his military trained demeanour) he doesn't blend in well unless it is in military situations. However, he has used our gift of the stealth belt to great effect, surprising given his size. "Oaf" was the word Fixer 3 used to describe him.

Asset Recommendation: Expendable.
Security Grade: 0.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Dian'jie Does Revan (ohh-errr) Part 1 - Backstory

Dian'jie does the Revan thing

Ok, time for a bit of a backstory to bring you up to speed.

Revan, a Jedi, then a Darth, then a Jedi again and disappeared. 300 years later, found by me (or you if you play SWTOR), released from his prison on a ship in a Maelstrom. (where else would you put a prison ship, really...)

Of course he is so grateful being released, and he looks pretty good for a 300 year old.

Note, being a Jedi knight I did something he couldn't. I killed the Emperor (unless you're a Jedi knight too, so I guess YOU killed the Emperor), which then  technically makes me better than I'm not too worried about this new update. I can take him.

Since I've got spies on in the Empire (i.e. I rolled characters over there too) we know that

A. There's a bunch of nutjobs on Dormund Kaas calling themselves Revanites. I got Revans mask and just handed it over. WTF. Now if you want one you have to buy it off the GTN. And everybody and their grandmother has one now. What a trendsetter that Revan is.

B. After leaving the Jedi's 'counsel' to wander the universe again, he reopened the star forge to create a new infinite army and basically commit genocide on the Sith species (according to the toaster you kill in the Foundry, that's around 93% of the Empire, and Revan's a 'good' guy...wowzers).

Fast forward to recent events.

Revan I guess has decided that the only way to have peace in the galaxy is to butcher the Empire AND the Republic and have a new order with himself at the helm. .. .. .. ooohhhkkkaayyyyy.

Unfortunately as previously stated there are some nutjubs in the Empire that support Revan (ironically a Sith pureblood is at the helm of one know, the species Revan wanted to eradicate...go figure) and some Colonel.

So I get drafted into attacking Korriban to get some info. Sure. Done. BUT WAIT, Tython is attacked at the same time. Amazing. The two most inaccessible hunks of rock in the galaxy. FOUND/INVADED. Foul play. Gosh no way! So it's off to Tython to rescue another sacked Jedi temple. (I don't think we should have temples anymore, we clearly can't protect them.)

So I now get sent off to Manaan after my contact gets suspicious over the colonels orders...ok, I like sushi so lets go.

During the fun underwater we discover, the colonel and a sith are in league together. No my friends. Yes it is true! The shock. Of course they're not worried about me or my party and calmly wander off. HEY, do I LOOK like James Bond?

So, of course we kill another robot and escape. Hot on their heals we arrive at a new hunk of rock, Rakata Prime, where the infinite army is supposedly getting built.

We bust up the party, kill the colonel and his sith buddy and dum dum dum. Along comes Revan and his fleet comprised of Republic and Empire starships, a large holo of Revan outlining his plans, confident we won't be able to stop him as he's going to bombard Rakata Prime from orbit.

Guess what. We got off and didn't die.

And now, it's expansion time bitches!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Nasty little bugger

Bru'jah was unfortunately born. Unfortunate for him, unfortunate for those who crossed his path.

In the brutal harshness of Rattataki society, being a skinny short runt only made things worse for the young Rattataki male who took physical beatings daily. And every beating by his siblings and peers only made him angrier. Angry for being small and weak. Angry for being born. Angry for surviving.

So imagine his joy, when one day, he discovered he could harm others. The day the force began to manifest itself in the broken shell of his body. The first day he didn't fall asleep with his body shuddering from it's newly inflicted injuries. The day he smiled his first smile. The first time he heard the crack of bone that wasn't his own. What a wonderful day. How he relished in the pain of others, especially when he was the one inflicting it.

Even though Rattataki value strength and violence, Bru'jah was extreme. Rejected by his peers and elders due to his physical size more than anything else he was set upon. Beaten to a pulp and dragged out into the icy wasteland and dumped. Left to die. He was 8.

Coughing blood he dragged himself to an icy cave, shuddering he closed his eyes. Unfortunately he didn't die.  In the coming years he survived. He killed first with the force, then with weapons he honed himself from the bones of his prey. He like this way better, more blood. He ate his prey raw, be it snow beasts or other Rattataki that crossed his way.

The day he was discovered by a visiting Sith Lord was another unfortunate day. A Rattataki Sith Lord had been sent to investigate the area, as there was reportedly a great evil there. All he found was a young scrawny naked boy gorging himself on the corpse of another Rattataki. Bones littered the icy cave. As soon as the boy noticed the Sith, he attacked with all his fury. More meat. The force caught him mid air, suspended thusly the Sith inspected him. Filed teeth, lean, wiry, small but strong, resilient and oh so angry. So very very angry. And yes, there is was. The force. Not strong, but enough. And with so much anger...a real possibility. "If he can survive out here for so long, perhaps he can also survive Korriban. He was 10.

Unfortunately Bru'jah was sent to Korriban, where he not only survived, but got worse. He grew in the force and regularly practised on his fellow students. Oh sure he was tortured for his insolence in disobeying the Sith instructors in not openly attacking other acolytes, but frankly he didn't give a damn. The torture only making him smile in some sadistic, masochistic way.

Now free of the Sith academy on Korriban, Bru'jah makes his own way in the galaxy,...unfortunately.