Even in the darkest times, there is time for love.
The battle against the Empire raged. Sith fell, Jedi fell. Cities burned. For every advance one side made, there was loss.
Corellias defenses were strong. The Green Jedi indomitable and relentless in their defense of the homeworld. They were winning.
Adellia was a survivor. She had seen in many battles. The force flowed through her like water. Effortlessly. To watch her fight was like watching a ballet, graceful, mesmerizing and to Hu'thrane, sexy as hell. He was always happy when they were assigned a mission together.
During the war their romance blossomed. To Adellia getting married was wonderful. Hu'thrane also strong in the force would make a wonderful father, but becoming pregnant was a mixed blessing. It forced her away from the battle with the Empire. She was given a new responsibility and now with Hu'thrane off world to join the Jedi Order (with the Green Jedi's blessing) the responsibility grew to raise their son, and train him in the way of the Force.
But she wasn't alone. Adellia's handmaiden, Misalla, also a green jedi was always on hand to help even with the most menial of tasks. The Green Jedi would see to it that the future of their order was kept safe.
Oh how they failed. Oh, how her handmaiden failed. Oh how she failed.
How did she miss the telltale signs as she returned from market, nobody knows. But miss them she did. She was on Corellia, surrounded by Green Jedi, a Jedi herself. If ever there was a safe location in the galaxy at this time, it would be here.
"Misalla?" Misalla, where are you? Adellia could hear her son's cries from the nursery.
Misalla? Now Adellia began to sense something was amiss.
And as she did, the attack came fast. Brutal. Aggressive and full of hate.
Adellia may have been pregnant for 9 months. May now be a mother. But she was also a seasoned jedi warrior. Her lightsaber is never far. Sommersaulting away from the initial attack, her lightsaber sprang into her hand and it green glow quickly shone forth and the two red sabres arched down with a scream of fury at losing the advantage of surprise. The scream also betraying the gender of her attacker.
Now the female combatants circled each other, like two hungry panthers. One sneering, one indignant at such an audacious attack.
Again the sabers crackled as they intercepted each lunge, cut and slash. Each time her assailant becoming more frustrated.
"What's wrong, not as easy as you thought?" Adellia jibed.
"Not at all" Came an uncharacteristic calm response. "I see your friend isn't joining us, yes, I had the pleasure of killing her first"
Adellia already knew this to be true, yet the words still caused a pang of sadness for her fallen comrade.
Suddenly her assailant threw her sabre at her. She easily avoided it, surprised that her opponent would make such a worthless action. But she never felt the other sabre sever her arm. When she rose her sabre to defend the next blow nothing happened. No green light rushed up to parry the red light diving for her chest.
The last thing she saw was the cold green eyes staring into hers, her killers face so close to hers.
"Goodbye" her attacker whispered.
And Adellia slumped to the floor.
The baby had never seen a red shining light before. He reached up his hand to grab it, thinking it another plaything. The baby never cried again.
"Slice the holo recorder and upload this recording" she spoke not turning to face her accomplice, but just looking at her handiwork, savoring the moment.
A second figure emerged from the shadows, taking the disk from his masters outstretched hand.
"Yes boss"
A few moments later.
"Good, now let the fun begin" was the cold response.
She smiled.